I really like this photograph, you can tell that the sun was just about to set, it's a gorgeous glowy light (sorry that's the photography student side of me talking :P).
This is only two coats put on in about 2 minutes as I was in a hurry as the sun wasn't going to be around for much longer and I was baking biscuits (which were yummmmmy) anyway it goes on fine and dries pretty quick too and it comes off super quick and easy although you are left with a gold shimmer on your bare nails which I happen to like haha. I don't think this colour suits me, it's okay when it's green like in the top picture and it's lovely when it's golden but when it's a mix like above....I don't know all I can think is Aliens! Like this is what an alien woman's nails would look like. It's so spacey, you could interpret that as very modern ;) I do like it, I was ooing and arring at it when it was in the sunlight but I just cant get past how lizard like it is, it just doesn't suit me.
Even though I probably won't wear it again, I won't give it away, ever. I like looking at it, it's pretty and ugly at the same time.
Do you like this colour? Would you wear it?
This one I would get! I kind of like the lizardy alien vibe. *GASP* eBay has the whole Beetlejuice collection for $11!! I think maybe now I have to get it....
Oh, oops. You get to pick one. *bummer*
Woah! I was going to say, that would have been an amazing deal haha. I thought I'd really like this one cos it's green and I <3 Green but it's too alien :P
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