Friday, 15 June 2012

Floral nail art

Hey, so yesterday I was going to post swatches of Dior Riviera but looking back over the photos, I realised I couldn't post them as Riviera looks nothing like what my pictures were showing :( so I'm showing you the nail art I did over it instead. I'll post Riviera once I get my camera back! 
I have this top and it's really nice and summery so I thought it would make perfect did! 

Right hand - sorry about the background...didn't have time to grab my backdrop  
Left hand - natural light 
I rather like it, they feel quite oriental for some reason, I like it because it's not your usual roses/daisies not that there's anything wrong with those but I felt like having something different :). In reality the base colour is a strong orange coral not pinky! 
I created the flowers with a medium and smallest dotting tools I dotted a white circle then at the bottom of the circle I drew a curved line to make a bell shape. Then I added the dark grey and a lighter grey to act as shading. I used a dark green nail art pen to draw the stems, then I used Essie Navigate Her with the smallest dotting tool and went above the dark green lines to create light and shadow :P. That was the most time consuming point but after that it went really quickly. My left hand wasn't even shaking when I did my right hand!!
So that inspired me to practise writing with my left hand everyday until I become fully ambidextrous hahahah! Incase my right hand ever gets injured of course ;). 

There you have it! I hope everyone has a good weekend :) my sister is running 3 miles for cancer research on sunday so that's where I'll be supporting her, she's doing it with college otherwise I would have joined her! 


M. Fourey said...

Wow I'm always amazed with what you can freehand, really. Those flowers look beautiful, I can see you really went for the detail. Gorgeous :)

PassionForPolish said...

OMG this is amazing! I'm stunned at how gorgeous this mani is!!

The Sneakerette said...

this is gorgeous!! i love matching my nails to patterns and things, so this is right up my alley. you did an amazing job :D

Lizzy said...

Beautiful! Such a great match to your top, too. Good luck to your sister!!

Unknown said...

Wow Abbie this design is gorgeous! Amazing! :)

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