Sunday, 19 February 2012

a-england St. George Swatches and Review

Hey, like I said yesterday I am wearing St. George today and it was sunny as predicted! *high five* for perfect timing ;). I have been drooling over swatches for ages and when I bought it I was staring at it in the bottle waiting for a sunny day to let it sparkle and that day has come :). I warn you I took 107 photos (!! lol) but I've narrowed them down to 10 butttt I might not put all 10 photos on, might be a tad excessive :P. I know you've probably seen a trillion photos and reviews but if you're like me you still won't be sick of this nail varnish...I hope :).

I urge you to click on them to enlarge these babies!! 
These are taken in direct sunlight with one coat <3 

These are truer to colour taken with flash 

Weird angle I know but it's accurate colour! 

 Okay, weird picture full stop (everyone needs a strange picture, right? ;)) but look at the two tone sparkly, holographic goodness!!
The sun was setting but it's a very colour accurate photograph, so green and dark ish and blue.

So 8 photos later (8!!) do you think I like this polish? I lurve it, so very much. It is one of those things where I kept staring at my nails whilst doing dangerous things ie. crossing the road....but I couldn't help it the sun was shining on my nails it was like magic! Haha! It has a thick formula IMO but it's easy to use, one coat if you are in a hurry but two if you are meticulous ;). 
It took quite a while to dry for me as I had two smudgeys :( but I filled them in so it's okay. 
Basically I want it to be sunny all the time so I can wear this polish everyday! I want more a-englands now though :( I'll have to wait. 

Again this is another polish that you NEED in your life!

I'm hoping to keep this on till tuesday evening but I have a swatch I can put up to fill in the gap, so seeyou tomorrow! 


Anonymous said...

This polish is so so (so so very) pretty! Love greens, and particularly this type of green. Your nails are absolutely fab

Abbienail said...

It really is isn't it, I love it! Thank you :)

Danny said...

I love this polish. and your nails are super pretty. <3

Lizzy said...

Finally caught up on your archives and I can't wait to see Order of the Garter! These polishes are so lovely and you show them off so well. Can't wait to see what you post next. (sorry if I comment spammed, you really do pick some lovely colors and designs)

Abbienail said...

Hehe! I can't wait to wear it but the weather here is so crappy although today it was hot! In February! In England! :P. Thank you, you're really lovely :). No it's nice that you have commented I love talking to new people esp. when it's about something as wonderful as nails :) I need to go stalk your blog now :D :D

Abbienail said...

It's so gorgeous :) awh thank you!

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