So today I did another gradient, again it was quite subtle, as I don't have my camera I couldn't capture it, IRL you can see the colour change but alas in the photos it's like looking for the lochness have to look real close for a long time to catch a glimpse ;). It's a shame though cos it looks nice in person. I did do three layers then topcoat but it was too shiny so I added a couple more layers which helped but not much lol
Shiny, you can kind of see it |
More visible without topcoat
I added Dior Nirvana over Chanel Blue Boy, like I said it looks nice IRL and super smooth, almost airbrushed :D but it just isn't coming across in pictures :(. I can't wait to wear Nirvana on it's own, it's so pretty!
Here's the part stash...part :P this is my most favourite part of my stash...the Diors :)
Bitter Orange (discontinued, bought off ebay the other day for a fiver!!), Waterlily (ebay), Forget-me-not (£13), Nirvana (present), Lucky (£3), Riviera (ebay £9) and Saint Tropez (full price....I couldn't resist it:P)
I have to put the prices to show that I'm not made of money I just find bargains and collect Debenhams beauty points, they really add up :) I've only ever paid full price for one Dior polish so it's okay, aren't they so pretty?!
Hope you enjoyed!
Those are some really pretty colors. What a good deal you got!
aww i hate when colors don't capture as well on camera as they do in real life! i can totally see your gradient from your pictures though (: you have such a beautiful dior stash! i have yet to own one, so i shall live vicariously through you for now (;
I know right! I'm always on the lookout for unwanted Diors :P
I know it's sucky :( I'll have to try this again when I get my baby back from the repair man! I can't believe that, gah I would lend you them if we lived in the same country ;P
I could kinda see the gradient! :) I like that you added the prices. Definitely found yourself some great deals!
The gradient IS visible, Abbie! :) Do not worry, we reallt can apreciate its beauty!
And yes, those are quite some Dior :) For what I've tried, I really do not get the quality I expected for the price I paid... But I have to admit that those colors are SO appealing!
Hehe thanks! Really? I find that hard to believe; every one I have tried was perfect! YOu must have had a bad one :P yeahh I couldn't resist them :)
Lol kinda says it all ;) yeah I need to justify them all :P I wouldn't have bought them otherwise....okay I'm lying I so would :P
So jealous of your Dior stash, I have NONE so far, and it's totally uncalled for!! I've heard so many good things about the brand's polishes - just haven't found my shade yet I guess!!
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